
Select Course :*
1. Subject / Discipline / Dept. of Appointment*
2. Full name of the applicant*
3. Address for Communication*
4. Phone / Mobile No.*
5. E-mail *
6. Date of Birth *
7. Category*
8. Gender*
9. Religion
10. Name of the Institution*
11. Address of the Institution with Phone no.*
12. District of the Institution *
13. Name of Affiliating University *
14. Type of the institution *
15. Designation *
16. Joining to the Current Position *
17. Type of Appointment *
18. Due date of Promotion *
19. For which this course is required *
20. Highest Qualification*
21. Highest Qualification Award Date*
22. Details of OP/RC attended earlier
23. Is Accommodation required? *
24. Upload your signature *

File type should be png / jpg / bmp only & File size NOT more than 2MB

Declaration *: I hererby declare that the information given above are true to the best of my knowledge and that I shall abide by the rules and regulations of the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, University of Calcutta.